Self-Development: Upskilling

by - January 11, 2023

 It's been years since I've been out of work. It is time to get back to the swing of things. The trend has caught up because of the pandemic and everyone is getting the hang of the work-from-home setup. 

Recently, I have been advised that one day someone will be better at the skills and industry I was in. I cannot deny that fact. After studying the freelancing industry, I conclude that the ones who have the IT skillset tend to do well. It means better pay and a longer work contract offer.

For years I have always wanted to study Google Analytics only to find out that it will be phased out and a new Google Analytics will take place. Things like this make IT a highly pressured work industry because it innovates so much faster than someone like me can keep up. But, it is not impossible. 

Upskilling is the only way to make oneself relevant in any industry. It is a way to broaden your career horizon and find opportunities to grow.

There are so many platforms that offer courses to help with self-study. I have courses parked on SkillShare and LinkedIn Learning. The motivation to get started is another story. There is no other way around it but to just get on with it. One step at a time. One video lesson at a time until you get it done. 

But my interest is varied. I have Adobe Creative Suite courses saved, Bookkeeping, Medical Transcription, and Data Analysis. What am I going to be good at?

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